Is Snoring Bad? Know the Health Risks
What is snoring?
Snoring is caused as a result of the partial closing of the upper respiratory tract, snoring can have serious implications on your health. This poses a huge health risk since your airway becomes blocked and you could stop breathing in your sleep.
It is more common in people who are older than 40, have excessive weight, smoking habits, or breathing problems. These factors often lead to enlarged tonsils, enlarged tongue, or excess weight around the neck, thus making their airway too narrow for air to travel in their lungs. This results in throat vibrations, hence the snoring sound happens.
Health risks associated with snoring
Snoring can pose some serious risks to you or the health of your loved ones, leading to:
Drop in Blood Oxygen Levels – The normal blood oxygen level should be in the range of 94%-98%. But snoring for 30 seconds or more can lead it to drop to 80% or less.
Heart Diseases – Snoring gives rise to cardiovascular problems like high blood pressure. Result? Snorers are more prone to getting heart diseases or heart attacks.
Strokes – Your intensity of snoring can narrow the arteries in the neck due to fatty deposits, increasing your chances of getting a stroke.
Accidents – Lack of concentration during daytime is one of the ill effects of snoring, causing daytime sleepiness. This can take your mind off from your activities, even driving, paving the way for road accidents.
Mental Health Concerns – Irritability, and mood swings caused due to snoring can even lead to anxiety and mild depression, leading to mental health problems.
Now that you are aware of why is snoring bad, and what can be its health risks, the next step is to identify if you have any of the snoring problem symptoms. If snoring is affecting you or your partners wellbeing it is important to consult your doctor and have it assessed.
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